10 Naruto Characters Whose Will Of Fire Was Critical In Obito’s Downfall

Obito Uchiha is a character from naruto who comes from Tierra del Fuego, but there is no flame in his heart or lungs. He embraced the Curse of Hate, which contrasts with the Will of Fire. This distinction will be the death of him.

Will of Fire, no matter what form it is in, is a foundational trait possessed by various characters that proves vital in helping them defeat Obito. The world of naruto leaves no innocents behind as he delves into the darker side of humanity, though ideals can be challenged and even changed at times.

10 Naruto Characters Who Defeated Obito With The Will Of Fire

1) Rhine

Rin is a vital contrast to Obito in terms of belief. He embodied the Will of Fire so much that he allowed himself to be killed by Kakashi to save the village. His Will was absorbed through the skin despite the Third Tails sleeping underneath, thus allowing his body to be torn apart.

She was his undoing because of his love for her. Obito fell in love with her and thus fell in love with an aspect of the Will of Fire. Her Curse cannot coexist with her Will unless he abandons her, which he never will. She was one of the main reasons she turned to the good side in the fourth war, as her influence on him was too much to bear.

2) The Uchihas

Even if it was a Uchiha Revival Arc movie where another surviving Uchiha attacks Konoha for revenge or someone from the Edo Tensei, Uchiha Clan and upgrades their eyes, it would be CRAAAAAZY!

The Uchiha themselves are the product of their own destruction, as the 2nd Hokage commented. They are a strange bunch who value and deny emotions so much that their power increases. They embody the Curse of Hate to the extent that their minds cannot be reasoned with.

His emotions run amok if he stays too long in his melancholy, but no one is sure how to combat them. Obito was trapped in the illusion of the Curse, but it was the undoing of him because he couldn’t see the reason until it was too late. When he saw the will, he was already lost.

3) kakashi

Ironically, Obito changed Kakashi’s will. He used to prioritize only the mission and therefore Konoha, until Obito told him that his comrades were just as important. This was part of his downfall as Kakashi took his words into consideration and prioritized his friends.

Obito proved to be another way to extend the Will to him. He gave her his Sharingan, which enhanced Kakashi’s already prodigious features and elevated him. It was equivalent to giving a sword to a tiger. Later, Kakashi was able to defeat him with the help of Naruto. Ironically, Naruto was his student, so he absorbed his teachings and became the final blow to Obito’s ideals.

4) madara

Madara Uchiha’s will was a completely different matter. He thought that the end justified the means, and at first Obito didn’t think about it. Madara forced the Third Tails onto Rin, ultimately leading to her death, but this event caused Obito to embrace the Curse of Hate.

Madara encouraged him when the Curse complemented the Will as if their ideals were closely related. Desperation was as good as courage for the cause. Madara was his undoing as his ideals blinded Obito until he was near the end of his life.

5) Minato

Minato was the embodiment of the Will of Fire itself, as he was the Fourth Hokage. She was Obito’s teacher who influenced him during his youth, as well as Naruto’s father. Obito and Minato’s battle during Nine Tails’ attack showed how far he had come.

Obito intended to destroy the Leaf using methods similar to Madara’s, though he had no way of knowing. Minato’s defense of the village frustrated him to no end. During the war his Will shook him to the core. Add to the fact that Naruto inadvertently gained the Nine Tails through him and somehow tamed him, he manipulated more than just fate.

6) Sasuke

Obito was interested in Sasuke as they shared the Curse of Hate. While Sasuke wanted to destroy the Leaf, Obito wanted to change the world. He changed Sasuke’s ideals to the point that he simultaneously possessed the Curse and the Will of Fire. While Naruto was the opposite of him, Sasuke was seen as his equal.

This was his downfall as his interference in Sasuke’s life gave him the opportunity to help defeat Obito. Inserting Itachi’s eyes into him gave him a new perspective and abilities that he couldn’t have predicted.

7) Black Zetsu

An unusual case, as Black Zetsu’s ideals contained neither Will of Fire nor Curse of Hate. He presented himself as an arrogant manifestation of Madara’s Will when in reality he took no side other than his own. When Obito regained the Will of Fire, he possessed half of his body.

This was Obito’s downfall as he really should have seen it coming. Even without knowing his intentions, Black Zetsu was able to overpower Obito as he knew of the latter’s abilities beforehand as he had trained with Obito for years.

8) sakura

She is another unusual case in Obito’s case. She doesn’t have the Will or the Curse as her priorities lie elsewhere. When Obito tells her to remove his eye before Madara arrives, she hesitates and fails to accomplish this task.

However, Rin immediately performed the necessary surgery because she knew there was almost no time left and she had to return to the village. Sakura, on the other hand, hesitated since he was nothing more than a villain turned ally. This contributed to Obito’s downfall.

9) Kaguya

The alien who dealt the final blow to Obito had no ideals either. She was open and she saw Obito as a nuisance. By this time she had regained the Will of Fire, but not even he could stand against a god.

His defeat was due to the fact that he joined Madara in the first place. He let the curse consume him to the point where he didn’t question him or Zetsu, despite his overall cunning.


Natuto embodied the Will of Fire to the point of being scary, perhaps even more so than his father. He and Obito grew up on their own and both strove to become Hokage just so the town would recognize them. Naruto loved the town despite its shortcomings.

While he embraced the Will of Fire and never allowed hatred to overtake him, Obito’s bloodline encouraged him to seek the path of rage. Obito sought to destroy Naruto when he remembered his younger self. Ultimately, Natuto defeated him with ideals of him, in which he submitted to defeat.

Ultimately, the ideals of the characters led to Obito’s defeat, but Naruto was the cumulative factor of the ages. Naruto was simply the forgotten son of a prestigious ruler and was abused every day for wanting to improve himself. He ignited the Will of Fire in everyone, including Obito.

The manga and anime of naruto it emphasizes the connection to the real world of dying for one’s country, as well as honoring one’s comrades. It is not just a story of pain, but a description of the sacrifices that the characters made. naruto, as a series, it is imperishable.