5 Attack On Titan Characters We Wish Were Real (And 5 We’re Glad Aren’t)

There are tons of beautifully crafted and intricately woven pieces that make up Attack on Titan. Although everyone has their favorite part of the series according to their aesthetic preferences: visuals, music or atmosphere, everyone can agree that one of the greatest strengths of the series is its characters. The fight against the titans, as well as all the inevitable revelations, for better or worse, are shocking because viewers care about the characters living through these events.

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There are a lot of characters inside AOT that fans would love to bring into the real world for one reason or another: contributions they could make to society, or just having a lovable personality. However, there are so many characters that could be a serious disservice to humanity as a whole and should instead be left behind on the big screen.

10 Wish Were Real: Armin has a brilliant mind and a heart of gold

attack on titan armin

Armin starts out as a character who doesn’t think he has anything to offer compared to his childhood friends, Eren and Mikasa. Because of this, he always makes sure to try harder than others for the sake of his personal growth.

However, over time, Armin learns that his true strength lies not in his physical abilities, but in his analytical nature and strategic mind. His strategies are useful countless times in-universe and would probably be invaluable in the real world as well.

9 I’m glad not: Eren’s unstoppable personality and self-righteous mentality are a dangerous combination

An angry Eren Jaeger

Eren may start out as the protagonist of the series, but things quickly start to change as the series continues. He ends up not only being the cause of Rumbling’s goading, but he’s solely responsible for wiping out about eighty percent of the entire population.

Eren’s always unwavering conviction is certainly admirable, but it’s also the trait that gets him into trouble most of the time. While he certainly still has his die-hard fans even after all of his more than questionable actions, it’s easy to see how Eren could easily become a danger in the real world.

8 Wish Were Real: Petra is sweet, empathetic, confident, and strong

Petra Ral Attack on titans smiling

Petra is one of Levi’s personal squad members and by far seems to be the most devoted and trusting. She has the utmost faith in her Captain, and it is hinted that her devotion extends to romantic levels. She saw the hope of a future between her and Levi.

She’s incredibly sweet and willing to admit her mistakes on the rare occasions she should. She would be an incredibly sweet and sincere friend and she would dedicate herself wholeheartedly to whatever field she decides to throw herself into.

7 I’m glad not: Bertolt is able to excuse even the most inhuman actions

angry bertolt attack on titan

Bertolt doesn’t seem like such a bad character at first. He can be quiet, meek and unable to lead, but these are traits he would be good to work on. They don’t automatically make him a horrible character.

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It’s the person Bertolt becomes to fit into his role as Warrior that makes him so dangerous in real life. He is capable of justifying incredibly cruel and inhumane actions, and is strong enough to be difficult to stop.

6 Wish Were Real: Mikasa is devoted and able to put aside her dreams for the greater good.

Eren asks Eren to come home

Mikasa receives a lot of criticism for changing her entire personality and basing all of her actions on Eren and her desire to keep him safe. And while a lot of this criticism is well deserved, that doesn’t mean he can’t contribute a lot if he’s brought into the real world.

As Ackermann, Mikasa’s skills as a soldier are unmatched, except perhaps for Levi, who shares Ackermann’s blood. She is also loyal and dedicated to those she cares about, but she is also rational enough to stop them when he feels his actions are taking things too far.

5 Glad Aren’t: Zeke’s idea of ​​salvation is the extinction of his people

Zeke healed in Attack on Titan

There are a lot of characters that would be dangerous to bring into the real world from attack on titan, and Zeke is one of the worst offenders. His response upon seeing the cruelty and injustice the Eldians go through is to comment that it would be “better if they were never born.”

He has no problem tricking whoever he has to, Marleyan or Eldian, to achieve his horrendous goals. He sees the attempt to commit the extinction of his own people as ‘salvation’, and it’s easy to see how someone like that would be incredibly dangerous in the real world.

4 Wish Were Real: Sasha has a kind heart and can always make people laugh.

sasha nervous smile aot

Sasha is one of the few characters in AOT that’s mostly delegated to comic relief. This is why she would be a good candidate to be brought into the real world.

She’s always there for a laugh when needed, and she’s not someone who should be pushed into a world full of violence and constant life and death encounters. Sasha is a simple girl who just wanted to spend her days hunting and bonding with those in her small town, and she would be a great community-focused person to have around her.

3 Glad you didn’t: Annie says she’d have no problem committing her crimes again

Attack on Titan: Annie's Backstory Finally Revealed

Annie starts off as a relatively likeable character. Although her demeanor is cold, that cool personality is part of what draws viewers to her, and she quickly proves that she has the skills to back it up by making Eren look like a fool during combat training.

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However, her actions as the female titan, as well as her confession regarding those actions, cement her as too dangerous a character to be brought into the real world. She has no problem stating that she would do it all over again if she brought her closer to her ultimate goal of reuniting with her father. Who knows what else she would be willing to sacrifice.

two Wish Were Real: Jean becomes an empathetic and caring leader

attack on titan

Jean starts out as someone who would do anything to shirk her responsibilities and avoid coming face to face with a Titan. However, he matures with the experience and words of encouragement from those around him, like Marco.

He becomes a capable leader who not only has great judgment, but is willing to put himself in harm’s way if it means his allies have a better chance of surviving unscathed. He would undoubtedly prove to be a great leader in any field of the real world.

1 Glad you don’t – Erwin’s leadership approach is too intense for some

Attack on Titan Erwin Smith Screaming

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Erwin is serious about his leadership position. He is not the same leader as Jean, who is empathic and puts the feelings and well-being of his teammates first.

This may cause some to disagree with his character, especially in regards to how he thought of bringing Levi in ​​as part of the Survey Corps, essentially giving him no choice other than to join or rot in jail. Just because he takes his position seriously doesn’t mean those below him in real life agree with the way he chooses to handle things.

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Mineta (left);  Nina Chimera (center);  Shinji Ikari (right)

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