Episode 12 – Tokyo 24th Ward

I definitely had my concerns going into the ending of Tokyo 24th WardNot so much as to whether it would achieve measurable quality after all this time in the downtrend, but more as to how much it would ask of me, evaluation wise. I don’t think I’ve kept any secrets to how exhausting I’ve come to find this show as the weeks have gone on the series repeatedly detailed its views on a bifurcated political system and I had to regularly re-explain why I thought those articulations were stupid So here, at the end of this excruciating exercise in thought, would the series throw up some complex domino arrangement of a solution to its social struggles that it would then have to extend a similar effort to bring down? The answer turns out to be ‘no’, thankfully, though I guess I probably never should have expected so much from this series in the first place.

It’s kind of a wonder to see Tokyo 24th Ward Sprinting so fast at your own ambitions at this point that you almost forget you ever had any. Perhaps that was the reason for such an order of operations. When the RGB boys approach her, Asumi expresses her surprise. disbelief, that they could look for a third way, a compromise between the binary options of the streetcar problem that had been presented to them. That might sound like a real surprise if you hadn’t shown a teamwork-based fix-everything solution to the first problem you brought to them. Since then, the failures of one or the other have come about as a result of more complicated plot factors, as well as disagreements between the boys themselves, so it makes sense that the show could articulate the possibility of things working out so well. . as long as the conditions are perfect and people can work together. All of that sets up the final lesson of the show, by the way, and that’s really all we’ve got.

Instead, much of the episode’s time is filled, perhaps appropriately for a major series finale, with more conventional variety showmanship. There is a high-speed van race to get the kids into the system so they can have a chat with Asumi. There’s a ticking clock on escalating protests that Mayor Gori can’t quell when 0th hangs up outside his office and yells “Debate you coward!” Some of the vehicular CGI in all of this action looks a bit patchy, and the character models (especially for faces or any non-protagonist crowd characters) are as loose and uncontrolled as they have been since the start of this show. . But there are still some fluid segments of stunt-based action, and while this show has basically stopped thinking about any of its concepts at this point, I’ll respect you for kind enough to occupy us by showing Shu using a rocket. -Skates for Rider Kick a great platform. Also, I think it’s funny that after all the potential doom and gloom about this show’s production meltdown that was discussed throughout its run (something I’m as guilty of as anyone else), it seemingly holds together what best possible here to the end, and it was the writing of this damn thing that ended up being the big disappointment. You never know I guess.

But the trio need to get to Asumi eventually, and while the VR cyberspace they occupy for their conversation looks as good as any of the other more enjoyable parts of this show, the actual content is surprisingly thin conceptually. Say what you will about running Tokyo 24th WardThe idea of ​​at least seemed to have ambition, and some sociopolitical vocabulary with which to express it. But as with the beating the boys gave each other at the climax of last week’s episode, the newsroom has now also decided to wrap up their plot climaxes in simpler, character-driven terms, rather than of grandiose and detailed reform suggestions. . Most of what is detailed here is that the children understand Asumi’s efforts as a representative of the choices that humans should make, and therefore decide to… allow humans to make those choices. Yes, the great compromised solution at the heart of the “KANAE 2.0 System” turns out to be… voting! Regular old democratic voting. They don’t even spend time talking about what kind of systemic overhaul this represents for the people of District 24, but settle instead with some light platitudes about making sure people choose what’s best, and then say goodbye to Asumi’s ghost. machine as they confirm how she was basically the most amazing person to ever live and everyone loved her. Seriously, that’s the big triumphant moment of this climax, as all the people around Ward watching RGB’s live stream discussing things with Minority Report Vtuber unilaterally declare how much they love her, and that love is the unifying factor that does everyone. abandon those hasty and violent reform options in favor of going back to the good old votes. Or something.

And that is! All of the summaries that follow are embarrassingly basic, from the show’s trailer to the actual date it ended on April 6, 2022, because that’s how smart it thinks it is, to the downing of Shantytown. in any case, but nothing happens because in this case it was due to seismic resistance. After all of its preparation and the big questions presented by the recurring format of the trolley problem, the series seems uninterested in eliciting responses even from the audience, deciding “Things aren’t perfect, but they’ll probably be fine if you let people figure it out.” It’s strangely flippant and optimistic for a story that clearly had Some understanding of the complex social factors that led to so many of the ills he illustrated in the first place. But then, as I said, I almost respect the show more for realizing right at the finish line that it had neither the concept nor the ability to waste our time with more complicated and unfortunate illustrative solutions. So that’s where it lands: a show that a few weeks ago was able to highlight that crime rates in low-income areas are an inflated result of various entrenched socioeconomic biases now declares that all social problems are solved as we see Shu headlining . he beat up a thief and give some bread to a kid. I guess the only thing that stops a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a bow tie.


Tokyo 24th Ward It is currently streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation.

Chris is a freelance writer who appreciates anime, action figures, and additional ancillary art. He can be found up too late posting screenshots on his Twitter.