Jujutsu Kaisen just revealed the result of three domain expansions

Jujutsu Kaisen reveals more new details about domain expansions as Yuta, Uro, and Ishigori try to release theirs at the same time in Chapter 179.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 179 “Sendai Colony, Part 6”, by Gege Akutami, John Werry, and Snir Aharon. available in English from Viz Media.

jujutsu kaisen Cursed techniques are among the most complex and entertaining energy systems in anime/manga. One of the best aspects of this particular system is the ability to use Domain Expansion, which is said to be the peak of Sorcery Jujutsu. It’s not a common skill among Jujutsu society, although recent events in the Culling Game may have fans thinking that it is.

Some of the most skilled wizards, such as Kento Nanami, have not been able to reach this level of wizardry. The fact that Culling Game has already shown that five different characters have released their Mastery Expansions (or at least tried to) is more of a testament to how powerful these players are. A wizard using his Domain Expansion usually spells victory, thanks to his attacks hitting the guaranteed target. However, not all Domains work like this, as seen in Hiromi Higuruma’s Deadly Sentencing.

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Domain expansions invaded in Jujutsu Kaisen

When two wizards cast their Domain Expansions in the same space, usually the stronger Domain will overwhelm the weaker. The latter will eventually break and only the strongest will remain. Gojo Satoru demonstrated this in his fight against Jogo. However, it gets a bit more complicated when it’s Three Domains instead of just two.

In chapter 179 of jujutsu kaisen, Yuta, Uro, and Ishigori try to release their Domain Expansions at the same time, and none of them go as planned. When domains overlap, the unmissable attacks actually cancel each other out. Furthermore, as they try to erect their barriers, the required internal and external conditions differ for each. As if that didn’t complicate the situation enough, an unexpected invader suddenly intrudes.

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Broken Mastery Expansions in Jujutsu Kaisen

Kurourishi had apparently reproduced through parthenogenesis before Yuta killed him in Chapter 175. After the original was exorcised, the Cursed Energy of fear throughout Japan poured into the child. Thus, a new Kurourushi was created, as strong as the previous one. His sudden invasion of the conflicting Domain’s barriers, combined with his differing conditions, causes all three barriers to break completely.

No new domain expansions were actually seen in Chapter 179, but jujutsu kaisen readers still learned some new details. Interestingly, this new information raises a question about Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine, which is unlike any other domain expansion seen so far. It does not create a separate space using a relatively small barrier, but instead covers a radius of almost 200 meters. What would happen if Sukuna’s domain expansion collided with two others? It seems plausible to assume that his would easily overwhelm anyone else, but this remains to be seen as the manga continues.

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