Love After World Domination: The Spring 2022 Preview Guide

What’s this?

Fudo Aikawa and Desumi Magahara are in love. There is only one small problem: they are mortal enemies. Fudo is the red ranger and leader of the Gelato 5 fighting force, while Desumi is the reaper princess of the evil Gekko organization. To make matters worse, neither of them have been in a relationship before. They have to keep their budding romance a secret, while figuring out how to be in a relationship and juggling their real-life responsibilities along the way.

Love after world domination is based on Hiroshi Noda Y Takahiro WakamatsuThe manga and broadcasts on Crunchyroll Fridays.

How was the first episode?

Rebecca Silverman


Move over, Romeo and Juliet. Fudo and Desumi are here to show you how unlucky true lovers do it: not just having feuding families, but being on completely opposite sides of a major fight. Or at least a ridiculous fight? Even if the superheroes weren’t the Gelato 5, complete with flavor-themed colors, and the villains seeking world domination didn’t employ a giant talking bear named Culverin Bear, there’s not much about the two sides at war for us. take it seriously. Even the people who populate the world of the story don’t: when Gekko attacks a public park, the cries for help from the general public are… let’s go with “disappointing.” Long story short, this is equal parts Super Sentai Sendup and Gooey Romcom, and it looks like those two things are going to mesh just as well here as they do in the original manga.

The central romance is between Desumi, aka Reaper Princess, and Fudo, Red Gelato (strawberry flavor). Fudo falls in love at first sight, which is impressive since the “first sight” of him is of Desumi in her battle “gear”, which consists of fancy lingerie and a mask that hides her face. (So ​​maybe not impressive). But there’s a real sense that he didn’t fall as much in love with what he saw as he did with his fighting skills and his parting words, which are about his prowess in battle. Since there’s a definite feeling that the rest of Gelato 5 thinks she’s just a thickhead, Desumi’s comments may be the kindest thing anyone has ever said to her about all the training she’s been through. Likewise, Fudo’s candid confession to her is clearly her first brush with her romance and she is flattered and more than a little charmed by her earnestness.

It’s a cute mix of tropes made even funnier by their efforts to hide the fact that they’re dating both Gelato 5 and Gekko, even though Fudo technically got Professor Gelato’s permission to ask Desumi out. Not that the good professor knew who Fudo had a crush on when he urged him to come out and express his feelings for him, something Fudo may be realizing in hindsight. Or maybe not; Fudo is perhaps not the sharpest tool in the proverbial shed. When you combine that with Desumi’s incredible naïveté on romantic matters (holding hands with her practically makes her swoon), it’s a recipe for peachy-pink love, at least when it comes to Pink Gelato’s color definition.

While there are some awkward things about the character designs, specifically the way people fit or don’t fit their clothes, as the case may be, it looks better than I expected and the animation is up to the task of some fights. flashy and more. the best transformation scenes. As a fan of the manga, I’m happy with how this looks in its first episode, and I look forward to seeing more.

Nicholas Dupree


Finally, some good damn food. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoyed Aharen-san wa Hakarenai perfectly fine, and I look forward to other romantic comedies that haven’t been released yet. But I’ve been longing for another goofy show about a couple of idiots who blush their way to the next dimension, and this show has given me everything I could ask for.

However, there really isn’t much more to delve into here. I could try to talk about how rough the show goes in its parody of Super Sentai, complete with a full five-person transformation sequence where our gelato-themed Power Rangers let out increasingly silly battle cries. But I’m far from an expert on these things, so all I can say is that I refuse to believe pistachio is “the taste of peace,” no matter how much Gelato Green insists. And outside of a few sharp jokes and parody moments, this entire premiere is just seeing our lovable and awkward leads together, whether it’s when they’re already dating or when Fudo first confessed to him. That means that most of this episode is just iterations of a single joke which, while funny and well said, also means that you really have to like that joke to accept it.

However, the production goes a long way to keeping that joke fresh. Unlike similarly themed toku Miss Kuroitsu From the Department of Monster Development, this show actually has the production values ​​to show off some great fight choreography to go along with its banter, and it especially has room to make our goofy central couple expressive and engaging to watch. This is just an A+ rom-com blush, and it has the two tiptoeing through the “steps” of funny dating to see for themselves. There’s even room to add some real details to your fanservice, like making sure Desumi has his garters on to avoid a death trap in the bathroom. In a year that is already highlighted Harem of the end of the world and their raunchy jpeg artifacts, having a cheesecake that really knows how to present itself properly shouldn’t be taken for granted, so if this show is going to be a little raunchy, I’m glad they really know what they’re doing.

I’m not going to tell you that this show is deep or thought-provoking or even particularly romantic, but what I will say is that I had a big goofy grin on my face throughout the entire episode. I love these losers and I want to see them go on a hundred secret dates where they suddenly have to turn a kiss into a head butt to avoid suspicion. I want to see them send flirty text messages in code that look like threatening letters. This show was made for me, and I plan on embracing it with both arms.