Meet Divya Chethan, Co-Founder, Head of Product at CBREX

Bengaluru resident Divya Chethan is a vigorous learner. Having had a fair share of experience in organizations in the area of ​​talent acquisition over the years, Chethan decided to put business savvy into a startup and embarked on his entrepreneurial journey in 2016. With Gautam Sinha, Sanjeev Punwani and Karunjay Anand, she started CBREX Technologies Pvt Ltd. CBREX is an online B2B platform where selected talent recruitment firms respond to open applications posted by companies. The platform is an amalgamation of technology, design and product experts who come together to run one of India’s vast recruitment platforms. As co-founder and chief product officer, Chethan’s journey as an entrepreneur and leader has paid off as her platform has grown fivefold over the past three years. They recently closed a $3 million pre-Series A, led by Waterbridge Ventures.

In an interview with SheThePeopleDivya Chethan talks about CBREX, the challenges she faces in the industry, the dynamics of the talent acquisition space in the country, her role as a product manager and how she constantly evolves in various roles.

Interview with Divya Chethan

What led you to create CBREX? What were the main problems encountered during the start-up and installation of the platform in the market?

It all started with how we can bring value to employers by connecting them with the best specialist recruiters and giving them access to the best candidates. This is how the vendor curation process began. It was not easy at first to adapt directly to the market. We are now pioneers in this field, but it took us almost 2.5 years to adapt our product market. As is the case with trying something new, we faced friction in getting customer buy-in. Isn’t that part of the game, taking risks? However, when customers started to see the value of what we were bringing to the table, adoption automatically took hold. we have filled jobs in more than twenty countries.

You entered the STEM field after co-founding the platform. How was the transition?

Yes, I joined the STEM field after co-founding CBREX. My field has primarily centered around the talent acquisition space. However, being a leader naturally piqued my interest in the space after witnessing the extent of innovation and ease that technology brings to various fields. This is how I became more involved in creating a vision that resolves the tribulations that cloud the recruiting world.

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What differentiates your platform from its competitors?

What sets CBREX apart from other platforms in the same space is that in addition to the vision of revolutionizing the way companies search for talent through a technology platform, we are also constantly looking to make life easier. a recruiter by creating a powerful user experience.

As someone involved in the talent acquisition space, what are the major shifts you’ve witnessed in recruitment trends across the country?

Over the past few years, the recruitment industry has become much more dynamic and technology is the main contributor to this change. With technology, not only has a recruiter’s life become easier, but it has also paved the way for cutting-edge solutions. Back then, it would have been unimaginable for a recruiter to easily access jobs and hire talent from anywhere in the world.

What influenced your growth as a female business leader?

It is always a challenge to be in leadership positions and for me it has been a full year of learning where I better understand my skills and constantly push myself to grow so that I can lead by example. As a woman, I am also grateful for the strong support I receive from my peers and family, where I have the space to make choices and live on my terms.

“As someone who now leads an integral part of the business, while multiple factors have affected my journey and brought me here today, my sheer commitment to working hard and remaining confident in my potential pushed to continue.”

What is the next step regarding the digital revolution of the Indian market with your company?

At CBREX, we constantly seek to revolutionize the recruitment industry by providing a powerful technology platform that enables companies to easily find talent at optimal cost and in a fraction of the time. All of this is done with the logistical convenience of one invoice and one contract with CBREX. Our core mission is to empower businesses to hire anyone, anywhere.

As an integral part of leadership, what drives you to evolve in various roles within the organization?

I am a learner and trying out something new is exciting. I try not to lock myself in a box, you shouldn’t be confined to working in the same space all the time. Some roles require you to step out of your comfort zone and maybe even up your game. Also sometimes asking for help and advice goes a long way. Along with that, keeping my self-confidence allows me to work across roles.

“I try not to lock myself in a box, you shouldn’t be confined to working in the same space all the time. Some roles require you to step out of your comfort zone and maybe even up your game. I try to live from it as much as possible. »

As a leader in business and technology, how do you suggest the Indian market can empower more women in leadership positions?

The women in leadership positions today are perfect examples for all of us. Prioritizing women’s opportunities and leadership roles in the workplace should be an equal priority. Workplaces across the country must support women who want to embark on entrepreneurship. As more opportunities open up for women, we must not let the thoughts and opinions of those around us get us down.

“We constantly hear that women have given up on incredible opportunities because they have to focus on their families, but we can overcome this with the right kind of support not only from families and peers, but also from the various systems in the country that can supporting women’s aspirations and opening more doors for them.

What key factors can enable girls and women to take up leading roles in STEM?

Gender-sensitive STEM education for women at an early stage would motivate more women. What can work wonders in this regard is that educational institutions should make math, science and technology compulsory subjects for higher education. Along with this, parents should always encourage their daughters when expressing their aspirations to become scientists or astronauts.

“Making stories about women in STEM known at an early stage of education would inspire many young girls to pursue careers in the field, as their interest and confidence will increase when exposed to female role models in front of them. .”

Your advice for women who want to quit their job and embark on an entrepreneurial adventure?

With growth comes challenges, but that’s what we do when we want to grow. My advice is to stay committed to your vision, prioritize what matters most, and work hard to achieve your goals. Most importantly, never stop believing in yourself, no matter what the odds.