The new king of anime

Ranking of Kings it has now concluded its run along with the rest of the winter 2022 anime calendar offerings, and is likely to draw more eyes as the years go by. Sosuke Toka’s original manga series made its debut as an anime adaptation last fall, but it garnered more and more attention over the course of its episodes. It’s not hard to see why the series initially struggled to build an audience at first because one look at its art design and style would probably make you think it’s a series meant for kids.

But that’s what it does Ranking of Kings so successful. Its naturally unassuming introduction belies the true depth and heart of the series as a whole. Just as one would miss its central character, Prince Bojji, at first glance, Ranking of Kings This is not a series you want to miss. An epic adventure from start to finish, it’s one of the most satisfying character journeys in a long time. By the time the final episode rolls into the credits, you’ll be eagerly awaiting the next adventure of the new king of anime.

(Photo: WIT Studio)

Ranking of Kings is the story of a young prince named Bojji. Born deaf and small in size, Bojji has spent his entire youth ridiculed by the kingdom around him. Living in the shadow of his father, the giant King Bosse, and his younger brother, the more skilled Prince Daida, Bojji does his best to maintain a positive outlook on life. After a chance encounter with a living shadow (and last survivor of the shadow clan) named Kage. The two quickly become friends, and as a result, Bojji is motivated by this to fully pursue his true dream of becoming strong like his father. The two support each other as they face their toughest and darkest challenges yet.

It’s a slyly simple introduction to the character that belies the true strength of the series as a whole. Some major wrinkles are soon introduced to the situation with demons, dark magic, assassinations, proven loyalties, and a hidden plot to destroy the kingdom to name a few. Bojji is caught in the thick of it all, and though he is dismissed by those around him due to his disability, he is far from naive and fully aware of what everyone is saying about him throughout the process. That is why when he is eventually turned down for the role of king despite being the true successor, the series kicks into high gear.

Ranking of Kings it has a design style that makes it seem like it would be a series aimed at younger kids at first, but the episodes soon make it clear how much depth there is to Bojji’s adventures. However, it’s a slow-burning adventure that really kicks into high gear with the second part of the series. While the first half has plenty of impressive moments, it’s more of a buildup for the kind of high-octane action we get in the second half. The series takes its time to flesh out the world around Bojji and flesh out what each character really wants.

(Photo: WIT Studio)

There are some themes that get a bit too comfortable with allusions to weaker-than-expected political histories (such as the “treacherous” people of Miranjo’s home country), and that might be a bit difficult to parse when critiquing the world of the Serie. building as a whole. Each episode adds a little more to each character or more about the world in general (like what the title “Ranking of Kings” actually refers to), and even the hardest-to-digest elements of the series serve to provide a more fully realized character. You’ll find yourself hating the characters you liked at first and loving some you’d never expect.

All this is marked by an incredible production from WIT Studio. Directed by Yosuke Hatta (who has previously directed series like One Punch Man and death parade), the series is impressive from top to bottom. Those childlike and fairy tale designs move with incredible fluidity and have a wide range of unique expressions that can only really be seen in that design. That’s especially important to Bojji, since he communicates primarily through sign language, physical movement, and emotional intent. You know exactly what he feels and what he wants at every moment.

Kage is really the only one in the universe who can understand Bojji as well as the audience. So the production, the narrative, and the emotional heart all come together to deliver a much more complete experience when it all settles down. It allows for a much more personal connection with Bojji himself, and when he succeeds, there is a palpable sense of victory royale for the viewer. Then everything is punctuated by some of the most impressive action scenes WIT Studio has ever produced. Bojji’s small design allows for a unique physicality in fights that is emphasized with characters that feel like they have a weighted presence.

(Photo: WIT Studio)

The second half of the season is filled with this dynamic sense of action and choreography that seeps into the storyboard. Those seemingly fairy-tale designs make an appearance once again as they allow for a simpler sense of movement that is layered with all sorts of intricacies that really come to the fore as the fights get grander. Which means not only do you get an emotionally rich story full of evolving characters, but you ultimately get the intense action as your reward. It’s a series that lives up to its initial promise that its slow build will lead to a satisfying conclusion.

Ranking of Kings stands out as such a successful debut season that, should it ever be picked up for a follow-up (which is possible considering WIT Studio’s history with follow-up seasons in general), it has a conclusion that feels like the satisfying ending. of a trip. It’s really the beginning of Bojji’s adventure, but it’s also a fitting ending. This is extremely rare in recent years, and now that it’s complete, it’s the kind of rarity that fans won’t want to miss out on.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Ranking of Kings is now streaming on Crunchyroll.