Viz announces fake manga titles for April Fools’ Day

manga parody

Despite knowing that today is “trust no ads” day, I found myself looking for a pre-order button for a manga announcement Viz had made on Twitter. The manga focused on a family of sloths who ran a winery, but were too slow to meet the demands of their customers. Enter an extremely attractive and speedy cheetah to help with your business.

Considering the fact that we have manga like beasts, the idea of ​​lazy wine drinkers having a handsome cheetah (who he would definitely send with someone or people) coming to their aid was NOT weird at all. However, the manga’s page count and release date were highly suspect. Scrolling down the timeline revealed two more manga announcements, both of which were fake, but which seemed like stories he had immediately read and reviewed.

Unfortunately, it’s April Fools’ Day, so the manga isn’t real, but it’s a great example of a brand creating a fun joke for the day.

the intern

parody manga

Summary: The Intern, a swole, amateur, burly, killer of a copywriter. He prowls through social networks and destroys everything he finds in his path. He does not eat. He does not sleep. And he doesn’t stop. In the winter of 2022 you will meet… THE INTERN.

Fangirl’s response: Workplace comedy about a man who’s so frighteningly good at his job, he might as well have superpowers? Or a bitter look at life similar to Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan where the protagonist lost his soul somewhere near the broken photocopier. Either way, this seemed like it had the potential to be a series that would end up having moments where you realize, shit, there are lessons to be learned from this, and oh God, those lessons are personal attacks on me.

Harem without Y2K

manga parody

Summary: Sayaka is transported back to the land of purse chains and side swept bangs, a time when eyeliner ran and guitars cried, where rejected suitors await. Harem without Y2K falls Winter 2006!

Fangirl’s response: The fandom’s response to this would have been gold! Imagine, a whole chapter of Sayaka finding out what “hot topic” USED ​​to look like. How would you react if there was no wall of FUNKO Pops? And I would definitely need a volume dedicated to the 2006 anime convention scene, complete with AMV contests where fans did videos that use Linkin Park songs and all the cursed vendor room items that are best left behind. To get this manga, you need to go back to 2006 with Sayaka, as the release date is the winter of that year.

Sloth x Bodega

Summary: A family of sloths runs a quaint winery, but they can’t keep up with customer demand. The solution? Hire a speedy new employee: Cheetah Sauvignon! See what ferments in the 3000-page edition of Sloth x Bodeganext fall 2055!

Fangirl’s response: Okay, I’m like, legitimately upset that this isn’t a real release. I would read this. I would like a stuffed animal of the sloth. I would like fanart of Cheetah Sauvignon. It seems like it would be a cute story about the life of some adorable sloths and a beautiful cheetah who probably grows to really love them. I feel some bonding between work and family, maybe some competition from another winery, and maybe a little bit of tension since sloths are herbivores and cheetahs, well, they’re not. While the scheduled release is not in the past as Harem without Y2Kwe have to wait 33 years to get the 3000 page edition.

Happy “manga ads are a lie” day everyone!

(Image: viz)

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