10 Anime Characters Who Don’t Care About Their Appearance

No matter where an anime series takes place, it’s typical for the characters to have the same everyday problems that normal people have. For some, saving the world from evil is at the top of their priorities, but that doesn’t mean they don’t try to look their best, even if they always wear the same clothes.

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However, there are still some characters who couldn’t care less about their appearance. Social constructs don’t bother them and they usually have more important things to worry about. The funny thing is that their lack of care for their appearance often makes them more attractive and they become well-liked characters because of it.

10 Aizawa is a rational man (My Hero Academia)

A rational person like Aizawa doesn’t really care about his appearance or his personal hygiene. She keeps her hair long and messy even though it would make more sense for her quirk if she cut it short. Trying your best to be a good hero and a good teacher is much more important than his physical health or the way he looks.

The fact that most heroes place so much importance on their images is probably why he hates heroes with tons of fame. That said, his unkempt appearance certainly hasn’t stopped fans from being drawn to him.

9 Kakashi has no idea of ​​his own appearance (Naruto)

kakashi closeup

for all of narutoKakashi wears a mask on his face, but it’s certainly not because he wants to hide his appearance. In fact, he doesn’t even seem to understand why his students want to see his face so desperately and he probably doesn’t even know how attractive he is.

On the other hand, when he constantly has to protect those closest to him from dying, it makes sense that his appearance is the least of his worries.

8 Gray cares more about being the best wizard (Fairy Tail)

Gray gets serious in Fairy Tail

Gray has worked hard for his muscular physique, but he obviously doesn’t because he wants to look good. Being the strongest member of the Fairy Tail guild is his top priority, and as such, he has little interest in how he looks.

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Not to mention, he has no shame, as he often walks around with barely any clothes on. Someone who does that obviously doesn’t think about their body or what it looks like to other people. Although there are many characters who find Gray attractive, he doesn’t even seem to notice.

7 Luffy just wants to be the best pirate (One Piece)

Luffy's big nostrils

Luffy is a bit of an idiot with a one-track mind. Being the best pirate and finding the One Piece treasure is much more important than the physical aspect of him. He is often willing to look completely silly if people laugh.

The bonds he is able to make with just about anyone show that he not only cares little about his own appearance, but he couldn’t care less about the appearance of others either.

6 Kenpachi only cares about strength (bleach)

Kenpachi may be pretty scary looking, but he certainly doesn’t seem to care. Fighting is all he cares about and life would be pretty boring for him if he focused on something else.

He’s one of the strongest captains for a reason and it’s mainly because he puts a lot of emphasis on being the strongest Soul Reaper. The people in his squad love him for the strength he exudes and not just for his appearance.

5 Saber wants to save her country (Fate/Zero)

Saber prepares for battle in Fate Zero

As the King of Knights, Saber is incredibly honorable and strong. Being a good leader is the most important thing to her, and when it comes to her gender, she gives it little thought. Defending her compatriots is much more important to her than her appearance, to the point that she has no problem with people assuming she is a man.

In fact, she seems to resent any mention of her appearance and has much more tolerance for those who respect her as a warrior. Retrieving the Grail and saving Britain are the only things that matter to her, so concentrating on her appearance is just a waste of time.

4 The Goblin Slayer just wants to kill goblins (Goblin Slayer)

Goblin Slayer looks menacing with glowing red eyes

The Goblin Slayer is a ruthless killer, but for good reason. His only goal is to kill all the goblins that cross his path, which makes sense considering that the creatures have a tendency to murder and assault women.

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He may have cared more about his appearance as a child, but the need for revenge has made him blind to everything that would concern a normal person. As long as he protects people from Goblins, he couldn’t care less about anything else.

3 Haruhi doesn’t care about gender roles (Ouran High School Host Club)

Haruhi is an unusual girl in the Ouran High School Host Club universe. Unlike the other girls who attend her school, Haruhi doesn’t care much about her appearance.

Instead, she is perfectly content with her androgynous appearance and doesn’t seem to understand people who obsess over gender roles. Her view of herself and the people around her is incredibly progressive, so she’s probably capable of understanding people who are judged on how she looks.

two Inosuke is a deranged beauty (Demon Slayer)

inosuke running

Inosuke is one of the most beautiful men in the world, but he chooses to cover his face with a mask made from a boar’s head. His appearance is irrelevant to his goals and he doesn’t even seem to understand how handsome he really is.

Considering how wild and aggressive his personality is, it’s understandable that people are shocked by his appearance. Despite how little she cares about his appearance, he is still beautiful, which makes his character all the more fun.

1 Levi cares more about being a soldier (Attack on Titan)

levi looking to the side a lot

It makes sense that Levi doesn’t care about his appearance considering the situation he’s in. After all, he’s too busy fighting man-eating titans. He may get upset when people make comments about his height, but when it comes to his attractiveness, he has bigger things to worry about.

Despite that, his calm demeanor and strength tend to attract people, including fans of the series. Even though his appearance means little to him, people obsessed with him certainly don’t care.

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