10 Fruits Basket Characters Who Ruined Your Likeability

The sweet but dark tone anime series Fruit basquet is full of characters fans can’t get enough of. Some of the characters have even earned a special place in the hearts of fans after seeing the internal struggles the characters had to overcome. However, there are many characters that fans want to see less of or not at all.

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From extremely annoying characters to unreasonably cruel, there is a wide variety of horrible characters that make fans clench their teeth to watch. There are plenty of them that help offset some of the darkness that lies between the story lines.

10 Kakeru is a human roller coaster

Kakeru stretching and yawning at Fruits Basket

Upon meeting Kakeru for the first time, Yuki is instantly reminded of his older brother. While there have been times when she has been helpful to Yuki, her personality is all over the place, causing exhaustion to everyone present.

He can go from being serious to funny and back to being serious, and then all of a sudden do something over the top. He is too laid back and has a knack for ignoring the club’s responsibilities to others. Yuki has even said before that he gets whiplash just from being around Kakeru and is often annoyed by his antics.

9 Motoko is an unrealistic drama queen

Yuki Fan Club's Motoko daydreaming with pink sparkles around her in Fruits Basket

The Prince Yuki Fan Club as a whole was a central point of annoyance for many fans, but the club’s president, Motoko Minagawa, was the worst of all. She is the first to lead the charge against Tohru and any other girl who gets too close to her so-called prince. Motoko is terrifyingly obsessed with Yuki.

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He even convinces some of the club members to follow Hanajima to learn his weakness in an effort to get Tohru away from Yuki. Even after her confession, he still clings to the toxic good times between her and Yuki, which are just times when she stalks him.

8 Hiro needs to just say nothing sometimes

The loose-mouthed brat, Hiro, was introduced as a bully-type character upon meeting Tohru for the first time. He was rude and quick to demote her. He even stole an important item that belonged to Tohru, but he was left alone with a simple lecture to respect others.

There would be more times where he shows his snappy attitude towards other members, or even using harsh words to ask a cold question. Tohru (and sometimes Kisa) is often the unexpected target of this. However, there is a small glimmer of hope that this behavior will change when his new baby sister is born.

7 Rin shares her zodiac animal’s stubbornness

Rin Sohma ravishing in Fruit Basket

The headstrong traits of the Horse Zodiac are on display strongly in Rin from start to finish. Some of his stubbornness can be understood, such as not being able to forgive Akito for what he did to him. But there are many times when her stubbornness has gotten her into trouble or caused others pain.

Her persistence to break the curse single-handedly causes her to mistreat herself and those around her. She even leads her to be locked up at one point. Many of these situations could have been avoided if she hadn’t let her stubbornness blind her.

6 Kagura needs to learn restraint

Although Kagura does not appear as frequently as the other members of the Zodiac, her presence is never lost due to the remnants that seem to follow her. Her mood can escalate to violence very quickly, causing her to go into a blind rage and damage objects, and sometimes other people, around her.

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She never seems to control these violent tendencies or her emotional outbursts. The worst part is that she never hesitates to blame others for her actions and she continues to act childish.

5 Sohma’s head maid was an inhibitor

Sohma Head Maid giving a cold smile at Fruits Basket

The head maid of the Sohma family has been around for many generations and has a strong belief in upholding traditions. She looks down on any member who has moved out of the residence and those who have broken these traditions.

She is a great inhibitor of Akito’s mental state by accepting the belief that the members of the Zodiac belonged to Akito. She never questioned Akito’s cruel mistreatment of the Zodiac members and often encouraged his punishment. The only time the maid ever questioned Akito was when Akito tried to do the right thing for once.

4 Ren was a scheming lover and father.

Ren, Akito's mother, yells and points at Fruits Basket

Ren, Akito’s mother and Akira’s wife, believed in getting her way and what she felt she deserved. In order to gain a high status in the family and fulfill her obsession with Akira, she slowly begins to work on her heart. However, her true fangs show when Akito is born and she is overly jealous of the attention Akira gives Akito.

She becomes enraged when Akito is given the title of head of the family and starts making meaningless demands, such as demanding that Akito be raised as a boy and making endless cruel comments to Akito. Ren despises Akito so much that he seduced Shigure into sleeping with her, knowing that Akito would get hurt from her.

3 Yuki’s mother wins the award for the worst mother of the year

Yuki's mother looking at paper in Fruits Basket

There are many parents of cursed Sohma family members who have been especially accepting of their Zodiac animal children, but there are also many who become abusive or sink into despair over having them.

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However, Yuki’s mother takes the cake in the abusive sector, especially when she ignores Yuki’s plea as a child to avoid Akito due to the torture she has been through. There is even a time when she slaps him for crying. As he gets older, she still greatly despises him and even admits that he was just a tool for her to gain status.

two Shigure was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Shigure with a menacing smile

At first, Shigure Sohma seemed like a harmless little puppy with some perverted tendencies and a humorous nature to pick on others. He has also been seen giving a lot of sage advice, especially to Tohru. However, as the story progresses, Shigure’s true nature of manipulating and rubbing salt on fresh wounds begins to show.

Hatori even calls out to him many times and warns him not to harm Tohru for his own personal gain. Shigure is even shown to be one of the many causes of Akito’s twisted emotions.

1 Forgiveness is too easy for Akito

The head of the Sohma family, Akito Sohma, is feared by most of the Sohma family. This comes from the years of verbal and physical abuse that Akito did to them. Some of these altercations resulted in permanent bodily damage and near-death injuries.

Although it is later revealed exactly why Akito was the way he was, it is still unforgivable. While Tohru and some of the members may show forgiveness for Akito, there are many who have good reason not to forgive her.

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