10 Ways Life Was Brutally Cruel To Naruto

The world of naruto it is a kingdom in conflict with conflict and war waiting around every corner. This is a made for one named Naruto Uzumaki, the Nine-Tailed Fox Jinchuuriki. Since the day he was born, his life has been full of misfortune day and night, even when he was a child.

The ways of the ninja world are not for the faint of heart. Chakra flows through every human being and can be used for good or ill, but most use it to impose their will on earth.

Chakra flows even through Tailed Beasts who can and will destroy the world if given the chance. The protagonist is infused with one and this will cause problems several times in the series. No matter what he does, the brutality of life is upon him.

Disclaimer: The following list are the opinions of the authors and contain spoilers.

The ways life was cruel to Naruto, including Zabuza and Orochimaru.

1) Minato and Kushina’s death

At the beginning of his life, Naruto’s parents sacrificed themselves to save the village when they decided to seal Kurama, a nine-tailed demon, in their young son.

This was the first trauma he experienced as he lay sobbing while Kurama was being sealed away. A painful experience like that is not something that any child should experience.

Trapping a demonic entity in a newborn is a plan that the couple had to carry out, even if it was their own child. His actions have lifetime effects on him.

2) the hatred of the villagers

The villagers of The Hidden Leaf were abhorrent to the blonde hero as a child. They blamed him for killing the fourth Hokage and for being the vessel for the Nine-Tails even though Minato’s sacrifice saved the village.

The villagers did not allow their children to befriend him and showed resentment for the crimes he did not commit. This only prompted him to yearn for acceptance from him.

They didn’t care about the late Hokage’s sacrifice and treated their son horribly. To them, he was the manifestation of Kurama, not the Hokage’s holy child.

3) Zabuza’s cruelty

Zabuza is considered a demon in some respects, although with his partner Haku they are a threat to society. They are the first real threat to Naruto who established the series for what it is.

Zabuza nearly killed Team 7 in one hit and even when they managed to escape, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was coming for them again. This is one of many brutal battles that he has experienced firsthand.

The giant sword he wields has struck down many opponents and no one has survived his sword. It’s as if his sword has a mind of its own as he kills friend and foe alike. No one is safe around you.

4) Orochimaru’s shadow

Orochimaru is a constant threat to Konoha and is relentless in his quest for immortality. Naruto encounters it frequently at various points in his journey and causes him extreme pain each time.

One fight that comes to mind is when during the Chunnin exams Orochimaru beat him so badly he could barely move. However, even without finding him, his influence is everywhere, from Yamato to Sasuke, and even the Third Hokage.

His knowledge comes from the constant experiments and body thefts he has participated in. The soul he kills is just a drop in the ocean for him. If he continues to live, the world will no longer be safe.

5) Akatsuki Rampage

Akatsuki is one of the best villain groups in all of Anime

The Akatsuki are a terrorist group formed under Pain whose sole mission is to collect various tailed beasts to summon the ten-tailed beast. They accomplish this by kidnapping and killing jinchuurikis, and then use their Tailed Beast to awaken the Ten Tails.

They have frequently tried to capture Naruto, but to no avail as he has escaped them several times. The fact is, his insidious presence lingers over him even though he never wanted a Tailed Beast to begin with. This was just one of the many ways life has been cruel to him.

Their roots sink deep into the world and the blood they spill grows cold.

6) Kurama’s Anger

As mentioned above, Naruto was infused with the very essence of the Nine-Tails early in his life. Kurama waits in the shadowy prison of his mind, longing for him to break the seal of imprisonment on him.

The power of the Nine Tails will drive Naruto insane until someone can subdue him. However, Kurama gets a taste of destructive freedom when he manages to take possession of the boy’s body for a short time.

She will sometimes tempt him with dark promises and almost manage to escape her prison, as shown when Hinata was badly injured during her disastrous battle with Pain. Fortunately, Minato’s dormant chakra interfered with his plan before Naruto’s soul was devoured, but that temptation still lies in his heart, waiting to be consumed.

7) Jiraiya’s death

One of the mentors of the Sannin and Naruto, Jiraiya’s life was snuffed out by his former student Nagato. He was the guiding light and the only father figure for the brave ninja in times of need. But when he died, Naruto had no one else to lean on.

Their relationship was goofy and light-hearted in some ways, but Jiraiya was also a great protector. For example, when Itachi and Kisame arrived at an inn where they were staying, the sage quickly intervened and protected Naruto from the worst of his attacks.

Jiraiya’s legacy falls on the young man as the world progresses.

8) Sasuke’s ostracism

Perhaps one of the most negative aspects of life, Naruto’s only friend and rival, he left the Hidden Leaf to seek revenge with the help of Orochimaru. Naruto tried to convince him to stay but the Uchiha didn’t want to be a part of his old life so they fought in a futile effort to bring him back.

Sasuke was one of the only people who really understood him, as they were both orphaned at a young age and had no one to guide them. This only fueled Naruto’s obsession with bringing him home, as he regarded Sasuke as an equal. The cruelty of life enveloped them both.

Sasuke is the darkness for his light and the moon for his sun. They are complete opposites, but their experiences have made them who they are, so their loss is absolutely devastating.

9) Madara’s Dawn

When Madara Uchiha was reanimated, it seemed as if the underworld woke up from a languid sleep. He broke free of the Jutsu Kabuto was binding him to and unleashed the Eye of the Moon upon the world.

He fought Naruto and Sasuke but they were clearly no match for him in his current state until the Sage of Six Paths intervened. However, even with Sage’s guidance, they still had to work together to stop the deplorable Uchiha.

Madara forced the world to sleep as Naruto watched in horror as his companions were trapped in cocoons and experienced their own version of false paradise.

At this point, the entire war had taken its toll on him as his chakra reserves were running low, but Madara would not budge. This was a special form of torment.

10) Kaguya’s Resurrection

Kaguya was a villain that no one saw coming as she could be described as an alien goddess of the moon. She is the progenitor of the Sharingan and Byakugan and the mother of the Sage of Six Paths. Her powers are so great that she managed to teleport Team 7 to multiple dimensions in the blink of an eye.

Naruto and Sasuke were no match for her until her son bestowed their powers on them, but even when they tried to seal her away, she froze them into blocks of ice.

A being of mass destruction, Kaguya was the greatest challenge the world had faced up to this point. His mere presence was enough to consume Madara and his powers kept him in a death grip.

The cruelty of the ninja world that Naruto resides in cannot be underestimated in any way. Demons and ninjas plagued the land and threatened to destroy him at any moment, but somehow he persevered. Maybe all this madness made him stronger in the end.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul