Fruit Basket: Main Characters, Ranked By Strength

by natsuki takaya Fruit basquet is an icon of shojo anime, the heartfelt and heartwarming story of heroine Tohru Honda’s quest to help the lonely Sohma family shake off the curse of the zodiac and take a brave step into the future at last. And while Fruit basquet features minimal physical combat, the main characters still require a great deal of strength to get what they want.

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In a story like Fruit basquet, the main characters need strength in many forms, from training in a martial arts dojo to the mental toughness to endure hardship and the emotional strength to overcome personal demons or lift other people up. While the main characters of Fruit basquet everyone has their own weaknesses or shortcomings, they also have many strengths.

10 Akito Sohma leads the entire Sohma family but little else

akito in trouble

The antagonist, Akito Sohma, is the head of the entire Sohma family and, on paper, that gives him a lot of power and influence. In reality, however, his power is largely kept in check by several factors, including his own terrible behavior and his inability to maintain the loyalty of his fellow Sohmas.

Akito believes that he is the god of the zodiac and keeps trying to get rid of Tohru Honda and other intruders, but is unable to do so. Akito’s power and influence steadily decline throughout the story, until all he is left with is his own insecurities and personal baggage. She needs help more than anyone.

9 Kagura Sohma can hit Kyo

kagura waving

The boar of the zodiac, the energetic Kagura Sohma, is Kyo’s admirer and friend who has a bad habit of hitting him whenever she’s upset, which happens often. Kagura can easily blast Kyo through paper doors and other barriers when he throws those punches, and Kyo can’t hit back.

Kagura’s physical power is great, but that won’t help her deal with her emotional issues, which require a different kind of strength to handle. She may feel confident and happy most of the time, but she has her own problems to work out and will need help with that.

8 hatori sohma is the family doctor

Hatori Sohma is a licensed doctor who usually takes care of Akito, though he might also help Tohru or other characters who need non-emergency medical care. Hatori has her own emotional issues regarding a former lover, but overall, she seems to be doing pretty well by Sohma’s standards.

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Hatori is quite “strong” as a trained medical professional, and seems quite secure and confident in himself, all things considered. He is one of the most stable characters in Fruit basquetand that definitely requires some mental strength.

7 Momiji Sohma is tough for her age

Momiji Sohma is a friendly boy who loves to cheer people up and make them laugh, even if he has his own inner darkness. His own mother has lost her memories of him and has started a new family, which makes Momiji very sad. But he has the mental strength to accept it and make the most of it.

Momiji has the mental strength to look on the bright side and pursue his interests regardless of his sadness, and could even forge a strong bond with his half-sister, who doesn’t know who he is. Momiji also had the courage to stand up to Akito, and was actually braver than Kyo or Yuki.

6 Yuki Sohma can beat Kuyo and fight against his destiny

yuki sohma fruit basket

Yuki Sohma is a popular kuudere character who is seen as a perfect prince at his and Tohru’s high school, though he will readily admit that he is far from perfect. Yuki suffers from impostor syndrome and is haunted by years of being locked in a room alone, but now he’s ready to fight back.

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Yuki has the strength to stand up to Akito alongside Momiji and the other rebellious Sohmas, and had the courage to approach the troubled Machi and try to help her. She can also easily defeat Kyo in a fist fight, although hitting Kyo is not the real solution to her problems.

5 Kyo Sohma also fought against fate

Kyo Sohma surrounded by cats

Kyo is a hot-headed tsundere boy who has a lot to be upset about, from his father blaming him for his mother’s death to his horrible fate as the zodiac’s house cat, among other issues. Still, Kyo is a fighter and found happiness training with his martial arts teacher, Kazuma. However, he still can’t beat Yuki.

Kyo’s mental strength came into play later in the story, when he fought against his dire fate as a cat and resisted Akito and his verbal abuse with all his might. He also had the courage to stand up to his equally cruel father, which is saying something.

4 Saki Hanajima is confident in who she is

hanajima in fruit basket

Tohru’s good friend Saki Hanajima dresses completely in black, and not without reason. Saki has the supernatural ability to read people’s electromagnetic waves and, in her childhood, she was greatly feared and misunderstood as a “witch”. Now, however, she is somewhat more respected.

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Saki has the mental strength to accept herself and her powers, and her confidence is at an all-time high. She is also smart and cunning, and can easily scare or intimidate people with her “witch” personality and the threat of using her powers. People have learned not to mess with her.

3 Tohru Honda can heal pretty much anyone.

tohru honda happy

The heroine herself, Tohru Honda, has great mental strength, although she also has weaknesses, such as an aversion to haunted houses. Tohru passes the story of Fruit basquet tirelessly meeting and healing the Sohmas within, and her natural compassion and empathy are limitless. In his eyes, no one is beyond salvation.

Tohru changed everyone’s life when it seemed impossible at first, and she had the courage to stand up to Akito and declare her intention to destroy the Sohma curse, no matter the risks. Sometimes he needed the help of the Sohmas, but usually he was the other way around.

two Arisa Uotani is a reformed gangster

arisa uotani fruit basket

Tohru’s other best friend, the lively blonde Arisa Uotani, is a reformed juvenile delinquent. She learned the ways of physical combat and street smarts from her old gang, and now she uses her toughness for good, not evil. She is Tohru’s number 1 guardian and protector in every way.

Arisa can stand up to any troublemakers or stalkers and drive them away with her intimidating words or by threatening to hit them. However, she is not a stalker: Arisa would rather live in peace and happiness, and she has her eyes on Kureno Sohma.

1 Shigure Sohma is quite powerful

Shigure with a menacing smile

Shigure Sohma may not be the head of the family, but he might as well be. Shigure knows all the secrets of the Sohma family, and can use his influence and insider knowledge to manipulate events or people with ease. And it seems that no one can gain influence over him in return.

Shigure can even control powerful Sohmas like Akito and his cruel mother, Ren, which is saying a lot, and he doesn’t depend on anyone else for anything. He has his own house and has little to fear from Akito or the rest of the family. He is practically invincible in the history of Fruit basquetalthough he usually downplays all of this with his goofy antics and innocent love of literature.

Next: 10 Strongest Shojo Love Interests, Ranked

Mineta (left);  Nina Chimera (center);  Shinji Ikari (right)

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