Condom anime gets a dark and edgy sequel with Condom Battler Goro Revive! 【Videos】

After taking some time to rest, the condom hero is ready to start again!

Here at SoraNews24, we try to keep up with the latest trends and hits in the animated world. But with all the great things that the Japanese animation industry produces, sometimes a few things get overlooked, so we were happy to hear that one of our favorite anime of 2020 actually got a gritty reboot/sequel in late fall 2021 when we weren’t looking.

We are talking, of course, about Goro Revive Condom Fighterthe long awaited but hardly expected sequel to Goro condom fighter!

Like its predecessor, Goro Revive Condom Fighter is produced by the Japanese condom manufacturer Okamoto Industries. But while the original condom fighter the videos had an art style that looked like a low-budget anime from the 80s and a cutesy vibe, Condom Battler Goro Revive features much more modern character designs and polished visuals, looking like something that could slip right into a late-night anime TV programming block, along with a darker, more dramatic atmosphere..

What to revive first video, “He will come back,” opens, we discover that five or six years have passed since the events of the original condom fighterand a new crisis threatens humanity as the evil organization spam uses violent methods to achieve his insidious ambition to eliminate condoms from the world. Opposing them are the virtuous men and women of the Moromoro Guardian Unit, or GOMU (gomu being the Japanese word for “condom”).

As the GOMU commander, we see Goro’s childhood friend/love interest. Miku and agent GOMU hayato locked in a desperate battle against SPARM forces. However, Goro, now 30 years old, has given up the fight. “Why don’t you take the condom?” ask the condom masterthe old man who trained Goro to become the Condom Fighter. “Because it’s embarrassing to wear condoms!” yells the fallen hero, recalling how at a class reunion an old-school acquaintance with an immature view of adult love chuckled at Goro’s practice of always making sure he had prophylactics with him.

“Isn’t it more embarrassing not to protect the person you love when they need it most?” Condom Master asks, holding out an Okamoto condom and imploring Goro to “He will resurrect!”

▼ Vocabulary chosen by Condom Master, tatsuit can mean either “to stand up” or “to have an erection”.

Goro chooses to face his fate, appearing just as SPARM is about to break GOMU’s last line of defense, and the episode ends on a cliffhanger, telling us that the story is “Be a condom”…

…but the advantage of being late to the party is that The second half of Condom Battler Goro Revive is out now!

▼ Episode 2: The Dark Side of the Condom

Just when it seems that Goro is about to save the day, the heroes are hit by another crisis: the sudden appearance of dark hatGoro’s persistent embarrassed shyness about condom use.

Imprisoning Goro in a biological psychological dungeon, Dark Goro goes on a lightning-firing rampage, blazing a path of destruction through the city on his way to his target: the International Condom Center!

It is then that Miku flashes back to a pivotal moment in her relationship with Goro, when the two lovers lost their embarrassment and were unable to have a frank conversation about condom use as two consenting adults. “If only I had said ‘Put on a condom’” Miku laments.

“But I won’t be afraid anymore,she promises, “Using a condom, after all, is something that matters to both of us!” followed by “I love you Goro, so put this condom on!” while throwing one at him.

▼ Note: Okamoto condoms in real life are not so radiant.

“A condom is a form of love, isn’t it?” the characters conclude as Goro and Miku hug.

▼ And yes, there is even a touching ending theme.

As silly as the premise is, it’s actually quite admirable that Okamoto encourages couples to be open and forthcoming about condom use in their relationships. While Japanese society is quite unabashed in its fondness for things sexy, that doesn’t always translate to people feeling uninhibited when discussing sexual health issues with their potential partner. It’s definitely worth promoting the idea that there’s nothing rude or trashy about saying “Let’s put on a condom,” and that a woman has every right to make that a prerequisite for lovemaking, and if it can be done with some cool anime art, that’s twice as nice.

Source: Okamoto Industries via IT Media
Top Image: YouTube / Okamoto Condoms
Embed Images: YouTube / Okamoto Condoms (1, 2)
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