Green Lantern Body Paint Cosplay Gives Jessica Cruz the Spotlight DC Won’t

A new body paint cosplay of DC Comics’ Jessica Cruz celebrates the fan-favorite but currently overlooked member of the Green Lantern Corps.

Jessica Cruz gets the spotlight in an amazing new Green Lantern body paint cosplay, giving the Renaissance-was star part of the focus that has been lacking in the comics. Cruz and fellow Green Lantern Corps member Simon Baz headed up DC’s Green Lanterns: Rebirthbut as DC has refocused on classic Lantern Hal Jordan and incredible newcomer Sojourner “Jo” Mullein in the infinite border It was comedic, Cruz has appeared much less, relegated to a slow-burn storyline that has seen her team up with the villainous Sinestro Corps as a fear-inspiring yellow lantern.

Cruz was introduced in 2014 Justice League #30, originally becoming a copycat version of Green Lantern when the alternate reality villain Power Ring was killed and the evil entity within his ring chose her as its new host. Fortunately, she was able to overcome the entity’s influence, displaying a level of willpower that ironically made her eligible for a genuine Green Lantern power ring. Surprisingly, Jessica was actually the first canon human female to become a Green Lantern, joining a roster that already included a blue whale, a clever math equation, and Daffy Duck.


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In a new body paint cosplay, artist Melissa Croft portrays Jessica Cruz, including a VFX video that recreates Green Lantern’s powers. An artist who often paints characters from television, movies, games, and comics, Croft’s breadth of focus ranges from characters as conventional as Wonder Woman to those as obscure as Superman’s hypothetical daughter, Lara Lane-Kent, from the series. Injustice franchise. Croft recently shared her Jessica Cruz on Instagram, noting that this is the third time she has painted the character, the first being seven years ago.

Jessica Cruz is loved by fans for her tenacity and complexity. Targeted by the mob after witnessing criminal activity, Jessica’s friends were killed while she barely escaped and developed intense anxiety. Later, her lantern, the source of her Green Lantern powers, was merged with Simon Baz’s by Hal Jordan, who sought to force the two to work together effectively. Cruz and Baz developed a strong friendship, but the recent destruction of the Central Power Battery depowered them both, leaving much of the Corps scattered, many dead, and the galaxy unprotected. After being attacked by a team of Yellow Lanterns, Cruz was recognized for her ability to strike fear into others and chose to join the Sinestro Corps. But while the group is traditionally evil, Cruz helped Teen Lantern Keli Quintela escape Sinestro’s wrath, so it’s possible she’s undercover or using her power to protect the innocent only until the Green Lanterns become an option again.

The Green Lantern Corps is a huge organization, so characters are always tossed in and out of focus. At the moment, blue and gold and Human Target are giving fans their fill of Guy Gardner, while Green Lantern it’s focusing more on Mullein and Jordan, while giving Simon Baz new powers as some sort of Iron Man/Green Lantern hybrid. Hopefully, Cruz will soon be back in focus, as she’s not only a fan-favorite character whose stories remain some of Green LanternThe most celebrated comics in , but his time within the Sinestro Corps is an exciting setup that could justify a series on its own. Until then, Melissa Croft Jessica Cruz cosplay is an awesome reminder of why this particular Green LanternThe glory days have to return soon.

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Source: Melissa Croft (1, 2)

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