Jane Foster’s Thor Cosplay Confirms The MCU Must Stay Comic-Accurate

An impressive portrayal of Jane Foster’s Thor form by Gracie the Cosplay Lass shows that the MCU needs to stay as true to the comics as possible.

A beautiful cosplay game by Gracie the Cosplay Lass (@graciecosplay) shows jane foster in its mighty thor form, ready to take flight and crush evil with her trusty Mjolnir, proving why Jane’s next appearance in the movie Thor: love and thunder It should be as funny as possible.

Jane Foster was originally a nurse who worked with Dr. Donald Blake, Thor’s original mortal identity, created by Odin to be his son’s mortal host when he needed to learn humility and sacrifice. Jane and Donald fell in love, but Thor’s duties as God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard meant their romance came to an end. Jane went on to become a doctor, but became a central character in the Thor stories only during Jason Aaron’s long tenure as writer on Thor. Jane, now stricken with cancer, was chosen by Mjolnir to inherit Thor’s mantle and powers when Odinson was deemed “unworthy”. As Mighty Thor, Jane was the protector of both Asgard and Earth, until she sacrificed her life to stop Mangog and save the gods. Resurrected by Odin, she has now taken on the role of Valkyrie and recently became a member of the Avengers.


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In a limited series coming this June, Jane Foster will pick up the new Mjolnir and become Thor once again. This is the perfect time for Grace’s stunning cosplay to remind us how beautiful Jane’s Thor is. On Twitter, Grace reproduced Thor’s armor down to the finest detail, including the intricate inlays and carvings of Asgardian craftsmanship. Particularly impressive is the work she did on the helmet and how realistic and comical it looks, especially the side wings. The best touch, however, has to be the fact that the armor doesn’t look too polished but has a worn look, as it really conveys the idea that Jane’s Thor is a warrior, flying from battle to battle without time to rest.

in the next movie Thor: love and thunder, Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman) will return to Mjolnir, adapting part of Jason Aaron’s story in the comics. linked merchandise for love and thunder revealed Jane’s Thor outfit and the fact that she will be wielding Mjolnir, reformed after the events of Thor: Ragnarök. Something similar happens in the comics, where Thor had to destroy and reforge Mjolnir to free him from the Mangog’s devious influence. Jane Foster’s Thor was controversial to some but, more importantly, inspiring to many fans. Not only was she a powerful female character, Jane also represented the fight against cancer. Thor Odinson has always been characterized as larger than life (and her “mortal identities” as Blake served to dilute that aspect), while Jane is a normal mortal, which made her more relatable to many readers. Gracie’s cosplay is perfectly on point and she does a great job of portraying one of the biggest Marvel characters of recent years.

Jane Foster’s time as Thor was always one of Marvel Comics’ boldest creative decisions, inspiring readers, fans, and creatives like Gracie who wanted to pay homage to the character. Thor: love and thunder will surely offer a new and interesting description of jane foster What Thorand fans can only hope that it is as faithful to the comics as possible.

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Source: Twitter/graciecosplay

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