Top 10 Code Geass Waifus, Ranked

Code GeassLelouch vi’s Britannia is known as the genius strategist who gave viewers one of the most iconic anime endings ever. However, Lelouch is not the only popular anime character. Code Geass it includes many female figures that have garnered the attention of viewers.

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While this is due, at least in part, to the number of fanservices appearing on Code Geass, these characters also stand out on their own merits. It stands to reason that they earn the appreciation of viewers who have claimed them as their waifus.

10 Marianne Vi Britannia’s Villainy Doesn’t Stop Fans From Appreciating Her Skills

Marianne Vi Britannia

Lelouch’s mother, Marianne vi Britannia, originally doesn’t play much of a role in Code Geass. She is apparently dead and her murder is a big part of Lelouch’s desire for revenge against her father’s tyrannical empire. Numerous characters also acknowledge her as an incredibly talented pilot, a woman who defies convention and truly loves her children.

Unfortunately, this last aspect turns out to be false. In fact, Marianne is alive, having survived the attempt on her life through the use of her Geass. She shows no concern for her traumatized children and she only focuses on achieving her husband’s goal. Despite this, Code Geass fans continue to appreciate Marianne’s qualities. In some cases, viewers even appreciate her cold and calculating personality, noting that she actually has a lot in common with her son.

9 Sayoko Shinozaki’s martial arts expertise wins numerous fans

Sayoko Shinozaki, originally the Ashfords’ maid, enters the vi Britannias’ service after Lelouch and Nunnally take refuge at Ashford Academy. She soon becomes very loyal to the young royals. However, under the harmless garb of a maid, her Sayoko actually hides the kunai of a shinobi.

A highly skilled martial artist, Sayoko has been nicknamed the Supermaid due to her fighting skills. She becomes quite popular in the fandom in the latter part of Code Geassparticularly after he impersonates Lelouch and ends up fighting Suzaku on equal terms.

8 Cecile Croomy’s intelligence and bad cooking make her truly endearing

British scientist Cecile Croomy is a woman of contrasts. She displays a brilliance and engineering skill that complements that of Lloyd Asplund. However, unlike her fellow inventor, she is much kinder and her caring temperament makes her Suzaku’s main form of support during his time as Lancelot’s pilot.

Amusingly, Cecile is so good-natured that she constantly wants to feed others, but her efforts in the kitchen always fail and make people nauseous. She’s really endearing, even if viewers are glad they don’t have to eat her meals too.

7 Villetta Nu’s character arc is interesting if questionable

Villetta Nu from Code Geass

Also a Britannian officer, Villetta Nu is part of the Purist faction despite not being of noble blood. She hopes to eventually earn her own title, something she actually achieves after discovering Zero’s identity. But her character arc is much more complicated, as along her journey, she is shot by Shirley Fenette, loses her memory, and is rescued by the Black Knight Kaname Ohgi.

Villetta and Kaname venture into an unlikely romance, made highly questionable by her amnesia. In fact, upon regaining her memory, she is disgusted by her own actions. Paradoxically, Kaname and Villetta rekindle their relationship at the end of season 2 of Code Geass. Some fans feel that Villetta deserved better and favor the character despite his original fandom and involvement in Lelouch’s downfall.

6 Shirley Fenette’s loyalty to Lelouch is the most notable part of her character.

Shirley angry because Lelouch hung up his phone.

Shirley Fenette is not popular with everyone Code Geass viewer, but there are still many people who appreciate its value. She is not a notable fighter like other characters in the series; she is quite plain compared to other female figures. Her genuine loyalty to Lelouch is what makes her special.

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Shirley manages to get over losing her father and having her mind wiped twice, all for supporting Lelouch. That kind of devotion is incredibly powerful.

5 Milly Ashford’s carefree facade hides a girl who carries heavy loads

Lelouch’s childhood friend, Milly Ashford, is noted for her exuberance and joie de vivre. She loves to come up with crazy plans that make the lives of Ashford Academy students very interesting, and she occasionally messes with Lelouch’s plans. However, this behavior is actually a façade, as she feels the burden of the family’s expectations of her.

Milly is supposed to be in an arranged marriage, and her carefree mask is a way of denying a fate she perceives as a form of captivity. In season 2 of Code Geass, has an epiphany, breaks off her engagement to Lloyd Asplund, and becomes a reporter. Her unique temperament is a breath of fresh air for the viewers, which makes her very popular in the fandom.

4 Cornelia’s courage and affection for her family make her a fan favorite.

Despite being a genius strategist, Lelouch is not always successful in his plans. One of his first notable enemies is his older sister Cornelia. She comes very close to capturing him, his battlefield experience and strategic mind humiliate his arrogant younger brother.

Cornelia, an incredibly skilled fighter, manages to corner Lelouch even when he’s piloting the far superior knight Gawain. Her strength on the battlefield makes a sweet contrast to the loving relationship she has with her sister Euphemia. While she is technically a villain, that doesn’t stop. Code Geass fans like it and admire its complexity.

3 Euphemia is a rare pure soul born to brutal British royalty

Euphemia with hat and sunglasses.

Considering how intolerant British society in general is, it’s a small miracle that someone like Lelouch’s sister Euphemia exists. Despite being British royals, she does not see honorary Britons as inferior. She takes great risks to make Suzaku Kururugi her knight, even risking censure from other Britons who see her as foolish and influenced by romantic feelings.

RELATED: Code Geass: 10 Ways Lelouch Ruined Your Likeability

In the end, Euphy claims to be quite selfish because all she wants is to make the people she loves smile. It is a pure desire for someone who is truly pure of heart. Euphy has won numerous admirers among code geass viewers and Lelouch actually lost popularity when he killed her.

two Kallen’s fiery temper and piloting ability earn her a top rank in the hearts of fans.

Lelouch’s Q1 and Red Ace, Kallen Kozuki is Zero’s most loyal Black Knight. While his romance with Lelouch isn’t really going anywhere, she’s still incredibly important in his life and in the hearts of fans. Her temper is almost as fierce as Guren’s Radiant Wave Surger and she is one of the strongest knight pilots in anime.

Kallen is also one of the most frequently targeted characters for fan service and it’s not unusual for her to show a lot of skin. All things considered, Kallen’s popularity among code geass fans is not surprising.

1 CC is still the eternal and popular witch of the fandom

Yes there is one code geass waifu that is truly iconic, Definitely CC Lelouch’s witch and accomplice was actually one of the most popular waifus in anime at the time. Code Geass was released for the first time. His mysterious charm is hard to resist, as is his secret vulnerability. Often manipulative and cold, CC, however, comes to genuinely care for Lelouch.

CC is by no means a nice person, but it is precisely her gray morals and complex character that make her so attractive. She is a woman who has suffered immensely and countless Code Geass viewers favor her, wishing she had a better fate.

NEXT: Code Geass: 10 Characters Who Suffered The Most, Ranked

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