Top 10 Worst Things About Himawari Uzumaki

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has had a rocky start with the fans. Almost every aspect pales in comparison to its predecessor, including its characters. There are few characters in boruto that fans really connect with and love. However, they can’t help but be weakened by little Himawari Uzumaki.

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She is likely one of the most popular characters in the entire series, with many considering her to be a much better character than her brother, the titular protagonist Boruto Uzumaki. Despite this, her Himawari is far from a perfect character. She has a lot of problems of her own and is just as flawed as the rest of the cast. From her lack of plot presence to her less than desirable personality traits, there is much to criticize Himawari for.

10 She is indecisive about becoming a ninja

himawari thinking of boruto

While most of the new generation has decided to follow in their parents’ footsteps, Himawari has remained indecisive about becoming a Shinobi. She attended the academy briefly during a trial lesson. Still, it was clear to everyone, including her new teammates, that Himawari wasn’t exactly looking for a career as a ninja.

Himawari is much younger than the rest of the new generation, so it makes sense that she didn’t make up her mind. However, he can be frustrating at times and is seen by many as a waste of his natural talents.

9 she has a bad temper

Himawari angry and on the attack

Surprisingly, one of the things Himawari shares with her mother is a short temper that strikes fear into the rest of the family. That by itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it’s quite fun to watch them both in action when they’re angry. However, Himawari takes her temper too far most of the time.

When angered, Himawari unleashes her Byakugan and uses its powers against anyone foolish enough to take the bad side. He even goes so far as to beat up his own father, knocking him completely unconscious. Admittedly, it’s an impressive feat, not to mention wildly entertaining, but while it’s cute and fun for a kid to do, it can easily turn into a bad habit that makes it a lot less enjoyable.

8 Her main role is to be the “cute little sister”, and that’s it.

himawari smiling broadly from boruto

There is no denying that Himawari Uzumaki is the cutest of the boys. But that’s really all there is to her when it comes down to it. She has a lot of potential to be much more than Boruto’s sister, especially with the talent and power that she possesses.

Unfortunately, more often than not, she is marginalized and used as filler more than anything. She acts as a supporter and is a source of motivation for Boruto, which is great, but she is disappointed in how little she can do other than that. In the end, she is the cute little sister and nothing more.

7 She has very little character development

Himawari and his teammates

Himawari is still a little girl, and because of this, fans can’t see her doing much more than typical little girl things. Even with how far the series has come, Himawari hasn’t really grown or been challenged. The biggest development she has had from her is the addition of her teammates Yuina and Eho.

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But even after training, little has changed with Himawari. His character has barely developed as well, experiencing no real growth as a person despite Boruto going through many drastic changes. He is still very young, so there is hope that he will get his time in future arcs.

6 She is more childish than the original characters at her age

naruto and himawari smiling boruto

The world of boruto is very different from the one the original cast grew up on. Your children are lucky to live in a time of relative peace, and are allowed much more freedom of choice. Himawari is a prime example of that as she is still so childish and even oblivious to Shinobi’s difficulties.

Many of the original genin had to grow up fast, and by Himawari’s age, they had taken on many responsibilities that she knew nothing about. On the one hand, it is ultimately a good thing that children in boruto do not suffer like your parents. But as fans who have been there since the beginning, it’s frustrating how careless and ignorant they are about the world.

5 She doesn’t impact the plot at all

Hinata should train Himawari in the Boruto series

Despite being the daughter of Naruto, Himawari has very little importance so far. Even though she has immense talent and power, most of the time she is not used for anything. Instead, she is usually at home with Hinata and only shows up from time to time. The few times she has had plot relevance, she has been reduced to a plot device, often needing to be rescued by her brother or her father.

naruto has long been infamous for its lack of strong female representation, and with the way Himawari’s character has been handled thus far, it seems like she’s moving into borutomuch to the dismay of fans.

4 They compare her to Boruto and put her on a pedestal.


There is no denying that fans prefer Himawari over Boruto. However, the two are unfairly compared, with many even saying that Himawari should have been the lead. While it would have been interesting to have her as the hero instead of Boruto, her character isn’t enough to fairly state that she would be better.

Himawari may be cute and powerful, but Boruto has a much more complex and interesting personality. Himawari’s type of character is much better suited as a supporting role, but the hate Boruto receives has inadvertently put Himawari on a pedestal when he hasn’t done anything to deserve it.

3 She terrorizes her brother, father, and Kurama.

himawari knocks out naruto

Himawari’s temper is a frightening sight to anyone, including her own family. It is unknown what she will do when she is in that state, and even she is unaware of what she is doing. In her anger, she hit her brother, her father, and even Kurama, leaving them fearful of her power.

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While it’s impressive that it can strike fear into those who try it, it’s definitely something to work on in the future. The fact that she can make a Tailed Beast afraid of her shows how brutal she is when she’s angry.

two Even though he has a Byakugan, he rarely uses it.

himawari byakugan boruto

It’s amazing that Himawari was able to awaken her Byakugan so early in her life. Even Hiashi himself notes how amazing his natural abilities are. Unfortunately, because Himawari has little interest in becoming a Shinobi, her power is rarely used. In fact, the only time she really seems to use it is when she’s angry.

Many fans are very disappointed in how Himawari’s abilities have been handled, especially since she is the only sister to develop Byakugan as of today. All anyone can do is hope that future arcs will have her finally branch out and use her Byakugan in battle.

1 Their talents feel like wasted potential


From the start, the series has shown Himawari to be a prodigy, possibly even more so than Boruto. He developed Byakugan early, has been learning taijutsu all his life, and naturally picks up new skills during the training course at the academy. These incredible feats mean that Himawari will become a formidable young ninja in training. But instead he changes his mind about what he wants to do.

Himawari has little to no interest in using her natural gifts outside of isolated occasions, which frustrates the audience. If she decided to become a Shinobi, she would be one of the strongest of the new generation, possibly even surpassing her brother. Instead, the series barely utilizes her abilities and they all feel like wasted potential.

NEXT: 10 Worst Things About Boruto Uzumaki

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