13 Hunger Games cosplays to celebrate the film’s 10th anniversary

Going to and from places on the bus over a decade ago, I heard this and that about The Hunger Games. I thought it was a new reality show that I had ignored. Come find out that it was a hugely popular book series that was about to become an even bigger movie franchise with Jennifer Lawrence, who fans have already loved since the last X Men movies, and who would win even more hearts (and an Oscar) with 2012 Silver Linings Playbook. However, we are here to talk not only about Lawrence. We are here to celebrate a decade of The Hunger Games.

10 years and four movies later, it’s hard to deny the impact The Hunger Games Made in entertainment with similar stories coming soon after, Lawrence’s career in general, as well as our favorite thing in these parts: cosplay! The Hunger Games it had so many characters and looks that fans have been quick to recreate over the years that, in celebration of its 10th anniversary, we’re highlighting some of the best that have made them the true Conquerors.

bow ready

Katniss had to be quick with those bow and arrow skills.

Open your wings

Effie Trinket was arguably the most runway-ready when it came to the sheer fashion that was ‘The Hunger Games,’ and while we could have made an entire list based on her alone, we have to admit that her butterfly look is still a must. of the top favourites. .

winner, winner

Woody Harrelson would be proud to see how well this cosplayer came out with Haymitch’s appreciation.

flock of a feather

Not to be outdone, Katniss gave Effie a go with this feathery moment.

sing us a song

Let’s applaud this Lucy Gray Baird look from cosplayer gayby_yoda who participated in our research on mental health and cosplay during the pandemic.

the other ship

Who else was Team Gale?

Gone but not forgotten

We had to do a double take because this Finnick is perfect!

hit the track

This cosplayer went out of her way to give us one of the best Katniss throughout the entire series.

The ultimate master of ceremonies

The Steve Harvey of The Hunger Games universe, none other than Caesar Flickerman.

rebel rebel

This version of Cressida proves that even the simplest looks require the most dedication.

Game time

Removing the intricate details of Seneca Crane’s facial hair? Congratulations to this cosplayer.

baking romance

We’re suckers for a nice moment stuck on the scam floor.

Let it Snow

Politicians always come with baggage, right?