Murderer of demons is a popular anime and shonen manga series that revolves around demon hunters and their swordsmanship. Some of the most important elements of the series are the breathing techniques that give the user the ability to fight demons.
However, not all breathing techniques are equally strong and some are quite difficult to learn. Let’s take a look at some of the more difficult breathing techniques in the series.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the manga.
What are the 10 most difficult breathing techniques in Murderer of demons?
10) Wind
Sound breathing is one of the hardest breathing techniques derived from sun breathing. This technique is quite difficult because it relies heavily on one’s sensory perception, as the user listens to the enemy’s sounds to calculate their fighting styles.
The Tengen Uzui technique that he used against Gyutaro was extremely difficult and not something that can be taught easily. He was able to hear the sounds of Gyutaro’s movements and after processing them, he was able to predict his movements.