Arizona anime convention director accused of sexual assault

The director of Taiyou Con, known by his cosplay name Gackto,

Cosplayers and fans of comics, anime and video games vowed to boycott a long-running anime convention in Arizona in January due to allegations of misconduct and sexual assault against the convention’s director, who has since resigned.

On December 15, Arizona resident Allie Heady, 25, detailed in a public Facebook post that she had been sexually assaulted by someone known within the anime and cosplay communities as Gackto in December 2017. Gackto was also the name of the director of Taiyou Con, an annual anime convention scheduled for January 7-9 at Mesa Convention Center.

Heady’s post garnered hundreds of comments and shares as her story spread across social media platforms.

Taiyou Con organizers posted on the event’s social media accounts three days after Heady’s post that “the current convention director has voluntarily resigned,” effective immediately.